



Automatic continuous pyrolysis and distillation integrated  machine

Automatic continuous pyrolysis and distillation integrated machine

Our automatic continuous pyrolysis and distillation integrated machine is the most advanced innovation to recycle and reuse the medical waste and plastics waste. In the whole system, it includes sterilization system and pyrolysis system and distillation s



China Doing Group will attend the exhibition Interplas thailand 2017 with new technology of continuous pyrolysis plant

China Doing Group will attend the exhibition Interplas thailand 2017 with new technology of continuous pyrolysis plant

continuous waste tyre/plastic pyrolysis plant adopts advanced pyrolysis technology that can turning waste tyre/plastic to fuel oil ,carbon black



Used tyre pyrolysis continuous process plant delivery to Nigeria

Used tyre pyrolysis continuous process plant delivery to Nigeria

The used tyre pyrolysis continuous process plant for our Nigerian customer can help our customer extract fuel oil, black carbons and steel wires from tyres/plastics/rubbers. And in order to improve the efficiency of waste tyre recycling pyroysis plant , h



Guatemala customer feedback to waste plastic to oil  pyrolysis plant

Guatemala customer feedback to waste plastic to oil pyrolysis plant

The Guatemala customer is a German gentleman with strict requirements, he bought 2 sets 10T/D waste plastic to oil pyrolysis plants from us and installed in Guatemala in 2015. Now these 2 machines are still running well, and we got a few feedbacks from t



Waste tyre to fuel oil yrolysis plant and waste oil distillation plant will delivery to Chile

Waste tyre to fuel oil yrolysis plant and waste oil distillation plant will delivery to Chile

Our Chile customer gave us quite a big order which includes one set 10ton capacity complete set waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant,they take it to mainly process waste tyre ,which has a big supplier market.What they will get from the abandoned tyre ar



10tons pyrolysis plastic to oil recycling processing plant delivery to Italy

10tons pyrolysis plastic to oil recycling processing plant delivery to Italy

Hot news !July 20, 2016, Our factory deliver one set of 10ton pyrolysis plastic to oil recycling processing plant for our Italian customer,who came and visited us twice. And He has a good knowledge of how to tell the pyrolysis plant design and how to



 Plastic waste can be converted to useful fuel

Plastic waste can be converted to useful fuel

In the United States alone, over 290 million car tyres are discarded annually. Pyrolysis of worn-out tyres allows the high energy content of the tyre to be recovered as fuel. Using tyres as fuel produces energy equal to burning oil and 25 per cent mor



Carbon black from tyre pyrolysis plant

Carbon black from tyre pyrolysis plant

DOING revolutionary Pyrolysis Technology can really convert waste tyre into wealth. How is it possible? Because from waste tyre, you can get fuel oil, carbon black and reclaim the steel wire. Tyre fuel oil, tyre carbon black and tire wire all can brin



Columbia successful installation waste tyre pyrolysis plant and oil refining machine

Columbia successful installation waste tyre pyrolysis plant and oil refining machine

Our waste tyre pyrolysis plant can help our customers to recycle and reuse the tyres/plastics/rubbers into fuel oil. And our oil refining machine can furtherly refine, recycle and reuse the fuel oil /crude oil/Pyrolysis oil into diesel.



Tyre pyrolysis plant cost estimate

Tyre pyrolysis plant cost estimate

Then ,we take one set of 10 ton pyrolysis plant to analyze its profits. Table can show you clearly the cost and income of one set of 10 Ton pyrolysis plant



Danish customer order a set of waste tire pyrolysis plant with two recator

Danish customer order a set of waste tire pyrolysis plant with two recator

Danish customer order waste tire pyrolysis plant with two recator from Doing company ,the waste tire pyrolysis plant with two recatoris the new design pyrolysis plant which can help our customer extract fuel oil, black carbons and steel wires from tires.



 Tire pyrolysis plant ‘good fit’ for Plainview

Tire pyrolysis plant ‘good fit’ for Plainview

A proposed tire pyrolysis plant operated by Neo Waste of Corpus Christi is “a viable project that would be a really good fit for Plainview and Hale County,” according to Mike Fox, executive director of the Plainview-Hale County Economic Developmen

