DOING 15TPD semi-continuous pyrolysis plant was installed in Brazil
In December, 2024, three sets of semi-continuous pyrolysis plants were successfully instal...
DOING Pyrolysis Equipment Project Cases in America Nations
Henan Doing Company has helped many customers from America install the waste tire/plastic/...
15TPD waste tyre pyrolysis plant project in Brazil
In April, 2024, according to feedback from our Brazilian customer, the waste tyre pyrolysi...
Transforming Paper Mill Plastic Waste into Diesel Plant Installed in Mexico
In February 2024, Henan DOING’s 15TD waste plastic pyrolysis unit and 10TPD pyrolysis oil...
50 TPD fully continuous pyrolysis plant project installed in Brazil
In March, 2023, a set of 50TPD fully continuous pyrolysis plant ordered by our regular Bra...
Waste tire/tyre recycling pyrolysis machine project in Panama
Waste tire/tyre recycling pyrolysis machines for our Panama customer is the new design pyr...
72TPD waste tire pyrolysis equipment project in Peru
On November 21th, 6 sets of 12TPD waste tire pyrolysis equipment were successfully establi...
10T waste oil distillation plant will be delivery to Tijuana, Mexico
The diesel from this crude oil distillation plant can be used directly in boilers, heavy ...
Continuous pyroysis plant for recycling waste tyre /palstic to fuel oil will delivery to Panama
DOING till when he is on his way back to Panama after visiting some Continuous pyroysis pl...
The latest continuous process tyre pyrolysis plant installed in Mexico and reported by local news
At first, continuous process tyre pyrolysis plant is mainly required in some Asia and Afri...
10T continuous waste plastic pyrolysis plant installed in Monterrey, Mexico
We DOING Company as the reliable supplier of continuous waste plastic pyrolysis plant has ...
Mexico customer bought 6 sets waste tyre recycling pyrolysis plant in 2013
his customer knows waste tyre recycling pyrolysis plant is absolutely a very good project,...
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