



10T plastic to oil machine for Indian customer finished delivery

10t plastic to oil machine
Waste plastic to oil machine in our factory
Doing 10ton capacity plastic to oil machine  specially for processing waste plastic from paper mills has finished delivery.

plastic to oil machine
Plastic to oil machine is loading
Since the plastic got from paper mill has low acid value, so the gas produced can easily corrode the reactor steel plate and influence the service life. After repeated communication with customer, finally we decide to customize the plastic to oil machine according to our Indian customer’s raw material by adding SS lining inside the pyrolysis reactor, and all cooling tubes adopt SS material, which well solved the corrosion caused by acid oil gas.
plastic to oil machine
Plastic to oil machine in the port
Now the 10TPD plastic to oil machine is shipped on the way and expected to reach NHAVA SHEVA port in Mid February.

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