



One recovered energy---fuel oil got from waste tyre

2015-08-28 / News / Leave Message / Chat Online

waste tire recycling plant
It is estimated that that there are 2-3 billion scrap tyres stockpiled in the US, a situation that is mirrored in countries round the world. Scrap vehicle tyres make a significant contribution to the generation of waste. For instance, the rate of scrap tyre generation in industrialized countries is approximately one passenger car tyre equivalent (PTE, or 9 kg) per capita per year.
The most noticeable problem associated with large tyre piles is the fire hazard they present. Once a tyre pile catches fire, it is very hard, if not impossible, to extinguish. In some instances, tyre piles have been burning for several months with the black fumes being visible for many miles. Diseases such as encephalitis and dengue fever have also been reported around scrap tyre piles, particularly in areas with warmer climates which are an ideal breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes. So it is important and urgent to manage the pollution and problems caused by waste tyres.
Now the tyre recycling industry is experiencing tremendous growth., but which method will be the best way to recycle waste tyres?

DOING revolutionary PYROLYSIS TECHNOLOGY can convert waste tyre to utra-clean and ultra-high heating value furnace oi, After furthering refining with DOING waste oil distillation machine, the fuel oil got from waste plastic is converted into diesel used for generators, trucks, vans, ships,etc.

DOING PYROLYSIS TECHNOLOGY has successfully overcome the problem of white pollution in 23 countries which spread Africa, Asia, Middle-east, South America and Caribbean area.

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