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Semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine process flow 3D video

2024-05-16 / Video / Get Price / Chat Online

This 3D video completely demonstrates the entire working process of converting waste tires into fuel oil in a semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine.

Semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine is equipped with intelligent mechanical equipment from sealed feed, pyrolysis reactor heating, high-temperature pyrolysis, oil gas condensation to subsequent exhaust gas purification and flue gas purification. It can complete semi-continuous production operations at high degree of equipment automation, stable operating conditions, clean and environmentally friendly conditions.

Compared with batch waste tire pyrolysis machine, Doing's semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine has specially designed raw material feeding and slag discharge. The semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine can achieve sealed feeding and high-temperature slag discharging without opening the pyrolysis furnace door. Batch pyrolysis machine usually achieves one batch of waste tire pyrolysis per day, while semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine can achieve two-day batch production tasks.

semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machineBatch Semi-continuous waste tire pyrolysis machines

This not only improves production efficiency, but also ensures the cleanliness and environmental protection of the pyrolysis machine operation site under sealed production conditions, and the equipment safety factor is also significantly improved.

To learn more about the process flow, equipment configuration, specifications, equipment prices, etc. of DOING semi-continuous tire pyrolysis machine for sale, please leave an email or WhatsApp for consultation. Henan Doing Company is here to serve you wholeheartedly!

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